<!-- DO NOT EDIT. This file generated from template by Code Scrawl -->  
# Code Scrawl  
Documentation Generation with `@‌verbs()` in markdown for special functionality and templates for common documentation needs. Define your own verbs & templates.   
Integrated with [php/lexer]( for ASTs of PHP classes (there may be bugs & it's tested only with php 7.4).  
Run scrawl with `vendor/bin/scrawl` from your project root.  
## Example `.docsrc/`  
See below for a list of templates & `@‌verbs` available to use.  
This would display the `## Install` instructions and `## Configure` instructions as below  
# Code Scrawl  
Intro text  
## Install  
@‌template(php/compose_install, taeluf/code-scrawl)  
## Configure  
Create a file `.config/scrawl.json` or `scrawl.json` in your project root. Defaults:  
## Install  
composer require taeluf/code-scrawl v0.8.x-dev   
or in your `composer.json`  
{"require":{ "taeluf/code-scrawl": "v0.8.x-dev"}}  
## Configure  
Create a file `.config/scrawl.json` or `scrawl.json` in your project root. Defaults:  
        "Documentation": "Visit or",  
        "Deprecation 1":"Version 1.0 will scan src/ & test/ ",  
        "Deprecation 2":"Version 1.0 will default to non-hidden directories 'docsrc' and 'doctemplate'",  
        "Deprecation 3":"Version 1.0 will fully-default to 'config/' dir rather than '.config/', though both will still work.",  
        "Addition 1": "2023-12-23: Added 'api.output_dir = 'api/' config. If `null`, then do not write api output files. Previously, APIs were ALWAYS output to the api/ dir. Default config has the same behavior as before.",  
        "Addition 2": "2023-12-23: Add api.generate_readme config (default TRUE). This is NEW Functionality that creates a README in the api/ dir."  
    "template.dirs": [".doctemplate"],  
    "": "docs",  
    "dir.src": ".docsrc",  
    "dir.scan": ["code", "test"],  
    "api.output_dir": "api/",  
    "api.generate_readme": true,  
    "deleteExistingDocs": false,  
    "readme.copyFromDocs": false,  
    "markdown.preserveNewLines": true,  
    "markdown.prependGenNotice": true  
## Define your own verbs   
In your `scrawl-bootstrap.php` file, do something like:  
 * @param $scrawl instance of `\Tlf\Scrawl`  
$scrawl->verb_handlers['own_verb'] =   
    function($arg1, $arg2){  
        return $arg1.'--'.$arg2;  
## Write your own templates  
Look at existing templates in [doctemplate/](/doctemplate/) or [src/Template](/src/Template) for examples.  
## Run Scrawl  
`cd` into your project root  
# run documentation on the current dir  
## File Structure (defaults)  
- `.config/scrawl.json`: configuration file  
- `.docsrc/*`: documentation source files (from which your documentation is generated)  
- `docs/`: generated documentation output  
- `code/*`, and `test/*`: Code files to scan  
- `doctemplate/*.md.php` and `CodeScrawl/src/Template/*.md.php`: re-usable templates   
- `scrawl-bootstrap.php`: Runs before `$scrawl->run()` and has access to `$scrawl` instance  
## `@‌Verbs`  
Write these in your markdown source files for special functionality    
- `@import()`: Import something previously exported with `@export` or `@export_start/@export_end`. Usage: `@import(Namespace.Key)`    
- `@file()`: Copy a file's content into your markdown.. Usage: `@file(rel/path/to/file.ext)`    
- `@template()`: Load a template. Usage: `@template(template_name, arg1, arg2)`    
- `@link()`: Output links configured in your config json file.  
Config format is `{..., "links": { "link_name": ""} }`. Usage: `@link(phpunit)`    
- `@easy_link()`: Get a link to common services (twitter, gitlab, github, facebook). Usage: `@easy_link(twitter, TaelufDev)`    
- `@hard_link()`: just returns a regular markdown link. In future, may check validity of link or do some kind of logging. Usage: `@hard_link(, LinkName)`    
- `@see_file()`: Get a link to a file in your repo. Usage: `@see_file(relative/file/path)`    
- `@see()`: Get a link to a file in your repo. Usage: `@see_file(relative/file/path)`    
- `@system()`: Run a command on the computer's operating system.  
Supported options: `trim`, `trim_empty_lines`, `last_x_lines, int`    
- `@ast()`: Get an ast & optionally load a custom template for it. Usage: `@ast(class.ClassName.methods.docblock.description, ast/default)`    
## Templates  
Templates can be loaded with `@‌template(template_name, arg1, arg2)`, though ast templates should be loaded with `@‌ast(class.ClassName.ast_path, ast/template_name)` where the template name is optional.  
Click the link to view the template file to see the documentation on how to use it & what args it requires  
## Exports (from code in scan dirs)  
In a docblock, write `@‌export(Some.Key)` to export everything above it.  
In a block of code (or literally anywhere), write `// @‌export_start(Some.Key)` then `// @‌export_end(Some.key)` to export everything in between.  
See [test/run/SrcCode.php](/test/run/SrcCode.php) for examples  
## More Info  
- Run withOUT the cli: Some of the configs require absolute paths when running through php, rather than from the cli. An example is in [test/run/Integrate.php](/test/run/Integrate.php) under method `testRunFull()`  
- `@‌literal`: Displaying a literal `@‌literal` in an md source file can be done by putting a [Zero Width Non-Joiner]( after the arroba (`@`). You can also use a backslash like so: `@\literal`, but then the backslash prints  
- All classes in this repo: [docs/](/docs/  
- `$scrawl` has a `get/set` feature. In a template, you can get an ast like `$scrawl->get('ast.Fully\Qualified\ClassName')`. Outside a template, you can use the `Php` class ([src/Ext/Php.php](/src/Ext/Php.php)) to get an ast from a file or string.  
- the `deleteExistingDocs` config has a bit of a sanity check to make sure you don't accidentally delete your whole system or something ...